
Arturo is one of a kind. The two things I truly appreciate about this wizard are...

1. His healing heart instantly makes me feel like I am home and...

2. His capabilities of healing others’ hearts taught me that I am my own home! Again, remarkable man!


My time and healing with Arturo have been a life-changing experience. I am able to see my purpose in life with great clarity.

I'm also able to accept the most important thing he taught me; my heart. His passion is sharing his gift, and I hope all come to experience it for themselves directly.


II remember when I first visited Arturo, I felt so broken. A breakup had rocked my self-esteem, confidence, and ability to see my future self. Within a few minutes of seeing Arturo, he made me remember who I was- the essence of my power and strength. I have never felt so seen and understood in my entire life. He just “got” me. It took just a few sessions with Arturo for him to help me completely redesign my business from scratch, and since working together, I’ve created a multiple 6-figure coaching business-- that I am absolutely in love with. Arturo, your heart is so huge, your gifts are so real, you are a gift to this planet. Thank you for the massive, lasting impact you’ve had on my life.


Fun facts for Arturo!


Hiking, Cooking, Family Sleep :) 


Driving Street Legal Go-Karts Lol


Extreme! Sunny Cancun or Big Bear Snow ;)


Tacos, Iced Coffee & My Work


Society conditioned us to be disconnected from ourselves and our soul.

The soul speaks to us through intuition and instincts, but our body is skeptical.

The key to reconnect to ourselves and our soul is...



My Zoom call and experience with Arturo was one week ago today, and I have listened to our call a 2nd time, and I have reflected deeply on what Arturo saw in my aura and shared with me.

Firstly, it was a very pleasant and wonderful experience, as Arturo has a very open and comfortable energy, right from the start of our call I felt an immediate connection with him.

Arturo clearly explained what was going to take place during our time together, initially, he was going to observe my aura and energy, share with me his insights, and then I could ask him any questions I desired.

For any of us that may have any doubt that Arturo can tap into your aura and energy with clarity and insight, my experience would clearly put that doubt to rest, as the amount of insights and alignment with my past and life journey Arturo shared with me was simply amazing, one insight after another, with an uncanny accuracy that is difficult to explain, other than my sense it was directly from source, however, you explain that for yourself.

I would share the greatest overall gift for me and my session with Arturo was the confirmation of my gifts and talents, coming from an outside confirmation, and permission to revisit, develop and deepen these talents and attributes which have been put aside and/or forgotten for various reasons.

I highly recommend anyone seeking an outside, yet very connected reading of your aura and energy field with Arturo, sure to surprise and delight you in the many discoveries Arturo shares with you, using his wonderful gifts.



The following review is based on my own personal, and true experiences with Art. I have only ever met two people in my life, with genuine gift, and Art is one of these two. Art saved my life. This is my story:

I began seeing Art in 2014 every few months regarding various things. I always went with my best friend to the readings, so there is another person who bore witness to the following events. In July of 2015 I was in a reading. During the reading we covered a great deal of information, however, at the close of the reading, Art paused for a moment and he pulled 2 more cards. He looked at me and said that if I wanted to get mad for what he was about to say that it was ok, but that he had to say it. It was a warning, he said “this is a warning, there's something going on, I cannot be sure what it is, but if you do not make the right choice, your children will be without a mother.” He turned over the green chakra card, and heartache and loss. The reading closed and my friend and I left.

4 weeks later, my daughter was running to hug me. About 20 minutes after the encounter I noticed I had a very sharp pain in my left breast. I gave myself a breast exam and I found a large lump. I was immediately terrified, and had my mother, an RN, confirm the presence of a lump in my left breast. The months of August, September, and October passed and the lump remained and seemed to grow and increase in pain. November 30, 2015, after a mammogram and ultrasound I was immediately diagnosed with invasive breast cancer. I was 32 years old. No biopsy, just based on the scans, a biopsy was just confirmation. Dec 23, 2015 I started my first chemotherapy treatment. During that treatment, my best friend was at my side, she looked at me and said, "do you remember what Art said?" I replied, "I've been thinking about it every day since I found out...." When I was well enough, I was able to make it back into the shop to thank the person who told me to make the right choice. I had no hair and thought he wouldn't recognize me but he did. It was an emotional moment for everyone present, including people just standing by.

If it wasn’t for Art, and if he hadn’t told me to go to the doctor, I would have lost my life. This is a 100% true story. I will always be forever grateful to him.

Fast forward after I successfully beat my cancer, I was going to take a trip out of the country. I saw Art before I decided to go, and he warned me against it. I DID NOT listen to Art and went on this trip anyway. 30 minutes after arriving at my destination I was in a significantly bad car accident, airbags deployed, the car spun out. I was lucky. Once again.

Art is the real deal. He has a genuine gift and I feel fortunate and blessed that he was placed in my life.



Arturo is amazing. He blows my mind every time. Highly recommend him to help clarify questions you may have or shift your energy.

I know a couple of people that have also seen him and feel the same way.



Art has wit and a wonderful energy which made a positive experience for my first ever psychic reading.

He could seriously see everything!



Art (Arturo) is an amazing and animated instructor and healer.

I highly recommend his classes and one of his sessions.



I went to get my aura read and the tarot cards done by Art was such an incredible experience.

Exceeded my expectations by far. I was so surprised by how on point he was and I was really happy I went. I left feeling optimistic for my future.



Since enrolling in the 13th Personality Program directed under Don Arturo Gaitan, I have noticed incredible growth in my mind, body, soul, and being connected.

My trust in discernment has increased and my intuition provides a better source of understanding. With techniques in breathing comes a greater philosophy that is preparing me to receive and accept only the highest for my own good. I am completely and utterly grateful for taking responsibility to give myself permission to step into my truer and greater purpose without discrimination or any false concepts of suffering. For that, I know it is truly safe for me to continue on this path of consistent happiness.



Transformational A higher being in a human body.

Since working with Art, I’ve completely transformed my life. He is the most amazing spiritual healer who provides practical applications and empowers you to take action. Life will never be the same. Thanks!



I have been working with Art since around late 2016. It all started with our fateful meeting set up by my sister, who was getting a reading. She set one up for me as well because why not, it could be fun and we were on a summer family vacation.

To be honest, I was never into "woo woo" stuff. I grew up Buddhist, then I randomly converted to Catholicism because of my sister, and later realized religion isn't really for me. I was really disconnected with the idea of a higher power but by this age now I am open to the idea of being spiritual and really working on myself.

So when I met Art, I was pretty skeptical. I recall being in the room and he asked me what I'm here for. I was guarded and said, “well I'm not sure so you tell me how this works.” He said, “let's start with pulling some cards,” and told me about myself and got more into it. I did not tell Art one single thing about me and he was too on point that it was scary. After this, I realized he is the real deal and that my skepticism can eat it. That day he helped me change my perspective about money, which is a big deal because I was blocking myself from abundance. After changing this perspective and continued work on healing different pieces of me, I am gaining and growing in abundance (family, friends, financial, all the good stuff that I was lacking because I didn't feel like I deserved it at the time).

Healing is not an overnight process especially when you have lived an extremely traumatic life. I definitely won the lottery on that one if you want to make a joke out of it. I had a hard upbringing like most, almost kidnapped as a child, a sexual assault survivor, toxic work environments, bad relationships, you name it. With that being said, the work that I have done with Art has helped me heal the pieces I needed and other pieces that we discovered through the healings. It is insane that after 2 sessions, he figured out why I had reacted in a way as an adult due to being molested as a child. We discovered this through a timeframe regression. Something like this would have taken most people trying other methods years to discover. For me, this method was amazing because it truly discovered the root cause of my issues in a short period of time rather than having to sit there for years talking about it and hoping the dots will connect.

I have also done karmic disconnections, a womb regression, reprogramming meditations, the Destiny program, Draleon Academy, and currently the 13th Personality. It sounds like a lot, but it is only over a course of over 4 years, I had a lot of trauma to heal, and a strong desire to grow into a better me. The things I have learned not only helped me in my personal life but also in my professional work life. It also helped me be more prepared and aware, which is helpful for someone with a lot of anxiety.

At this point today, Art has given me so much more than I could ever pay him. The empowerment to fully accept, be, and love myself is such a gift. He has supported, reassured, and guided me to be a better me and live a better life. It wasn't like I was making bad decisions but I got stuck with a lot of trauma that was tossed over to me. Of course, I am responsible for my own decisions. However, things that are out of your control like being a sexual assault victim, require you to still be accountable for your own healing regardless. Learning how to heal, fix, and move forward from my trauma has made me stronger and happier. I hope that everyone gets to meet Art in some way so that they can start their own healing journey as well. We are all in this together and deserve good things in our lives.



My experience with Arturo has been very profound. Ecstatically amazing. My life has changed tremendously.

From being a lost soul to finding my purpose. With Arturo's guidance and healings, I have recovered many parts of myself, becoming more conscious and aware of what has been blocking the flow of my energy. I can say that his methods come from divine essence, deriving from pure spirit. Arturo's meditations have been soul-touching. I listen to his most powerful meditation every day. It helps me neutralize and center my energy. In my perspective I believe he is the greatest teacher. At least the greatest I have ever seen. He is an amazing mentor. Thanks to Arturo's program Draleon Legacy Academy, I have developed my psychic abilities. Also his tarot and dream interpretation classes have opened more channels for me to see things from another perspective. I have never been so intuitive in my life. I am currently in his 13th personality program and let me tell you, I can already sense that this class is going to transform my life to another level. I have so much respect for this man. I am so grateful to have met him. Thank you.



Ever since meeting and working with Art I really had no idea of how much my life was about to change.

My whole life has changed in so many positive ways that I can't even put into words. I am living my dream and it's all thanks to him seeing my potential and worth when I couldn't see it before. He showed me how to believe in myself and how to align myself to be the greatest version of myself. He has given me so many tools that I use every day and I have gained so much awareness of myself. This has helped me gain my independence and strength to move through any obstacles. Now I am working in my dream job and I have a strong sense of where I am going in my life and it's all thanks to him helping me get into alignment with my soul. It has been a working process and I still am working on myself but it has been of tremendous help to have someone like him guiding me and believing in me. I am forever grateful for the universe for aligning my path to encounter a soul like him.



Where to begin? I’ve been working with Arturo for a year now, but it only took the first two minutes of my very first session with him to know he was the “real deal”.

He immediately honed in on what was going on with me - both in my personal healing journey and with my business. Since that first reading, I’ve done a Healing Day, a Business Weekend, a private apprenticeship, and…well…basically every program he offers because I want to absorb every bit of wisdom, teaching, and healing he offers! He has helped me heal deep emotional wounds that no other healer or coach could touch, and he’s helped me clarify my life purpose in a way I was struggling to do on my own. I feel the deepest gratitude in my heart to have connected with him and it is my great honor and privilege to call him my mentor. I am a happier, healthier, more centered version of myself and I have real clarity about what’s ahead for me. No one can “do” your destiny “for you”, but if you work with Arturo and truly embody the wisdom and guidance he shares, you will have everything you need to do it yourself!



I have been working with Arturo since I was sixteen, and I can honestly say it has been the most transformative and rewarding work and continues to be five years later.

Arturo is brilliantly intuitive; his gifts are without bounds to help anyone and everyone. The information and guidance he has given me has been invaluable and is the reason I am who I am today. His messages and teachings are always perfectly aligned with what is going on in my life, and what I need to hear in that moment, without me having to say anything.

Frankly, there are not enough words to describe how grateful and honored I am to work with Arturo. If you are reading this testimonial, then I can guarantee it’s your sign to work with him! I truly cannot recommend it enough.



I think it was just 5 mins into my first reading with Arturo where I was hooked & knew that this is going to be one of many sessions to come.

I’ve worked with other healers previously but Arturo’s gift is unlike anything I’ve ever seen or even heard about.

I don’t think I can ever articulate what I experienced when working with Arturo. Let me put it this way, just 4 days after our second session, something big shifted with my job which still gives me chills when I think about it. He cleared something so big for me, I can't wait to see the rest unfold. I’ve learned so much about myself through his gift. Whether he likes it or not, he is stuck with me forever, HA!


Let's get started!

Universe Is Quantum And Magnetism So Your Life Depends On Your Energetics, Let Me Take A Look.

Being born with a natural gift to see the human magnetic field, allowed me to see most times what is in your way, preventing you from taking action toward your goals or desires.

The human magnetic field shows if there are internal or external forces that block you and suck your energy using resistance.




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New York, NY, USA